To help you pay your debt as quickly and easily as possible, we offer a wide range of payment options. Please click here to see all payment options.
The Court Order issued means your debt needs to be paid in full. If we cannot agree payment, an Enforcement Agent will need to attend your address to assess your circumstances. They will establish your household income and consider the value of vehicles and other goods you own. If payment cannot be agreed, they may look to clamp any vehicles you own or remove goods to be sold at public auction to discharge the Court Order. Making payment before an Enforcement Agent attends will avoid these actions and limit the fees you will incur. Please contact us as soon as possible to discuss payment.
Once the Council has instructed Newlyn PLC to enforce a debt, they will expect payment to be made directly to us. Often, the Council cannot accept payment directly once we have been instructed. Payment of any fees that have been applied to your debt will also need to be paid directly to Newlyn PLC and until these have been received in full, the Court Order issued will not be discharged. This means enforcement action will continue. Please make all payments to us directly, details of how to pay can be found here
If we have agreed on a payment plan, it is important that you make the agreed payments. If you dont, the full sum owed may be payable immediately, Please contact us if you need to discuss your payment plan.
If you cannot afford to pay the full amount you owe immediately, we may be able to agree on a payment plan that meets our client's requirements. Please complete the form here with your proposals for payment. If an Enforcement Agent is dealing with your case, you will need to discuss payment with the Agent directly.
The quickest and simplest way to make a payment is using our payment system here
You can log onto our payment system here , you will need your case ID and client reference number to login.
We understand that being in debt can be worrying. Our team is happy to discuss your concerns and try to find the best way to help you pay the money that is owed. If you are having difficulty managing your debt or finances, details of organisations that offer free, independent debt advice can be found in our vulnerability and debt advice page here.